Download information for Hayha
Last updated
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Download information for Hayha
Last updated
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- The most recent download links can be found in the #download-links
section of the Hayha Discord.
- For Windows users, select either the EXE file, the MSI file, or the ZIP file.
- For Mac users, select either the DMG file or the PKG file.
- After installing and opening Hayha you will be prompted with the login page (pictured below). You can then enter your key and click authenticate to access the bot. If you receive a key in use
message, reset your key on the dashboard and then authenticate again (Dashboard).
Backend Updates
- Hayha uses two separate backends, each operating different sites. These are backends A and B.
- Updates that do not require a full reinstallation will be downloaded through the backend.
- Backend updates will be posted in the #update-logs
channel in the Hayha Discord.
- To download a backend update, click the "Force Update" button. Both backend A and B will be updated to the most recent version.
- To check for a frontend or backend update, click "Check for Update."