Guide on how to use the Costco module.
Last updated
Guide on how to use the Costco module.
Last updated
URL: (Example)
Mode: Fast
Size: Random
Proxy List: Use ISPs or DCs, Costco is very lenient on the type of proxies you use and delays.
Monitor Delay: 3500
Endpoint Delay: 3500
Account: A Costco account and membership are required to purchase consoles. (Account formatting provided below)
Can I run 24/7?
Yes, I was able to run 24/7 using 3500 monitor delay. Monitor delays could be potentially be lower but 3500 MS seemed pretty safe to run for longer periods of time. If you start seeing proxy bans raise your delays.
Can I run multiple tasks?
You can run multiple tasks at once under the same account. However you may experience issues if there is multiple tasks going for the same SKU at once.
Will the bot use the account's shipping and payment information?
No, the bot will use the shipping and payment information on the given profile.